Greetings followers :)

Wow.. i have followers !! thanks awfully to those who have choose to follow this fantastical crazy blog.. im still not sure what the heck im doing but will learn as i go along…

so how have i done this week ??? well the simple answer to that is…. well there is no simple answer !! i started my week all full of enthusiasm… i started my blog and set up a facebook page , and was all ‘ im so gunna do this thing’ – i kinda have had not a too bad week…. but i also have had a smidgen of lazyitus.. 

let me fill you in a bit on what it is im doing, and why im doing it…

being overweight for sometime, ive yoyo dieted and have always ended up back in the big pants !! ive had a couple of car accidents that have put me outa action and also depression that made me want to sleep as well as eat anything that wasn’t moving… in December last year i was diagnosed with type 2 diabeties…. although it is in my family and i knew my eating habits would take me there, it was still a shock. 

It was that day i made a decision to loose weight… once and for all …

sooooo i joined my local slimming world and was all up for the challenge…. however it was the most un- inspiring thing i have ever attended.. i lasted a week and a half… 

Christmas came…. i put on weight… 😦

This is when i decided to give this Herbalife thing a try…. i was very sceptical… you know – ‘how the hell can man live by shake alone ?’  ‘surely ill be bloody hungry if i can have only one meal with the two shakes?’  ive done ALL the diets before… and none have worked… but what the hell…. i had to do something right?

well i went in, fully expecting to fail… then the strangest thing happened… it worked.. i mean it ACTUALLY WORKED!! i was full, i was enjoying the shakes and actually looking forward to the next one…. and i was loosing weight…. within a week i noticed my energy levels were up.. i was sleeping, and waking up without feeling like i had a permanent hangover… could this possibly be this powder in the shakes ?? turns out – yeah it can, 

ive been on them for about 6 weeks now, ive dropped a stone in weight and i feel like a different person.. it really is incredible… this is the longest ive lasted on any diet… but now is where it gets hard…

this is normally when i slip…. i start to revert to bad habits and eventually give up all together.

i can feel this happening… even though the herbalife products make me feel so good, it is hard to brake such bad habits…

this is why i have started my blog. to share with anyone who cares to read my daily struggles of achievement  and hopefully stay on track, reach my goals and maybe even help others along the way…..

whos with me ?????